Scripture Reading - 1 Samuel 16:7

But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. KJV

We know that appearance has a bearing on how people perceive you, or even how people receive from you as a Christian. But remember above all things that the Lord is looking at your heart, and that is the primary thing all Believers should be looking at too. We should not judge people by what they are doing in front of our eyes because sometimes when people do things that are not right it is because they do not know any better. When a Christian grows in the knowledge of God they discover that God loves them by choice, not by our good works. When we purpose to look at the heart (inside) of people we will show more mercy and walk in more Godly wisdom. Looking at the heart will help you to overlook the minor details to focus on the major issues of life. Weightier matters like if the person is saved or not saved, in health or in need of healing, doing good in their marriage or considering a divorce, should always be given adequate attention to know what a person is dealing with. Whatever the case maybe for each individual we encounter always consider the heart first, both yours and theirs. Consider your heart and ask yourself the question is my heart right with God when I see this individual? Am I looking at them with God’s eyes of Love? Then consider the individuals heart because if you can not locate their heart you will never find the true person. If their heart is not right with God the chances are high that they will have problems only the Lord can handle. If they are a believer in Jesus Christ then know that they are a part of your family in Christ and our heart is knit as one in Jesus, be gracious. Christians who love God are doing God’s Word by showing their love to all those who can receive from God in their heart. Remember the language of love is the song of God’s Heart, and this is the song we should be singing to our fellow neighbors in Jesus Name. Amen!